Four Tips For Staging An Owner-Occupied Home
Home staging is the process of preparing a home to sale. What steps it involves depends on the property, but it may involve painting, adding or removing furnishings, and making changes to the room's decor to better define the space. Not only can proper staging help the owner sell the home faster, but staged properties tend to bring in more money than unstaged units. If you are staging an owner-occupied home, here are a few tips to follow for optimal results.
1. Have the Homeowner Remove Personal Effects
When done correctly, home staging makes it possible for practically any buyer to see themselves in the property. If the current owner still has personal items, such as pictures or monogrammed furnishings, on the walls, have the homeowner take them down. It can be difficult for prospective buyers to see the property as their new home when the faces of the current occupants are staring back at them.
2. Remove and Store Furniture
Most likely, the current homeowners furnished the property for their unique needs, not to portray the property in its best light. It is likely that you will need to remove furniture to remove the appearance of overcrowding from certain spaces.
One option is to have the current owners rent a portable storage unit. You can select what pieces of furniture are unnecessary and store them in the unit. If the homeowner absolutely needs a certain item (such as a desk chair or extra seats). the items are only a few steps away.
3. Refresh the Home's Paint with Neutral Colors
Many buyers have trouble seeing past bright paint colors; this can limit how they see themselves using the room. If any of the rooms have bright paint or loud wall paper, talk to the current homeowner about removing it and opting for neutral colors instead. If the homeowner is hesitant to do so due to the cost, remind the owner that the benefits outweigh the costs.
4. Remove Any Items That Give the Home an Odor
How a new home smells is extremely important to prospective buyers. Ideally, the space should smell like a fresh, clean scent or one that welcomes the buyer. Clean linen and freshly baked cookies are two popular scents.
If the owner has pets, any furniture that the pets use should be removed before potential buyers come in, as it can harbor odors. In fact, any pet-related items need to be stowed when buyers are in the home, even if they don't technically have a bad odor. For example, the odor of pet food can be disheartening to some buyers. They may wonder what kind of damage the pets may have caused to the property.